Do you want a better-looking waistline? Your abdominal wall can be one of the hardest areas to lose weight and tighten muscles, no matter how dedicated you are to a healthy diet and good exercise regimen. If you feel that diet and exercise are not enough to give you the waistline you want, you may want to see what body sculpting surgery can do for you.
Anything that has stretched your abdominal muscles, from pregnancies to excess weight, can leave you with problems such as loose muscles, diastasis recti (midline separation of abdominal muscles), persistent pockets of fat, and excess skin. Diet and exercise will only do so much to improve your figure. That is where a tummy tuck in Redmond will help. It is one of the most popular surgeries for men and women because it works to get rid of sagging skin and remaining excess fat while also tightening muscles and other tissues. You can get back to a more youthful appearance.
You need to be at your target weight before having a tummy tuck. Usually, tummy tuck patients in Redmond will wait until they are finished with childbearing or have reached their weight loss goal. Nothing done during a tummy tuck makes it impossible to carry another pregnancy, but a pregnancy may affect what was done, and you will require a tummy tuck revision surgery to bring your waistline back to where you want it. Any excessive weight gain will also stretch out your midline, so a healthy diet and good exercise regimen are important to continue after surgery.
During a tummy tuck, excess skin and fat are removed while muscles are tightened and brought back into a normal position. When your main problems lie at or below your belly button, a mini tummy tuck may be all that you will need. If your entire abdominal wall needs help, you will want a full tummy tuck. You may choose to extend your surgery to include your flanks or back. Every tummy tuck surgery is personalized to meet your body’s needs and your goals.
Depending on what you have done, a tummy tuck can take up to five hours to complete, but usually, surgery lasts only two to three hours. If you are having only a mini tummy tuck, you may choose to have surgery using local anesthetic plus IV sedation, but most people will have general anesthesia. Since a tummy tuck is an outpatient procedure, you will be going home the day of your surgery. You will want a trusted driver to take you home.
After tummy tuck surgery in Redmond, you will wear a compression garment to help hold tissues in their new place as you heal. It will also work to minimize swelling and bruising. You may have small drainage tubes in place that will be removed a few days after surgery.
Healing takes time, which means you will not be able to return to your regular activities instantly. In order to achieve the results you want, you will need to limit all activity for at least one month. Depending on the physical demands of your job, you may need an entire month off. If your job does not require much physical activity, you may be able to return to work about two weeks after surgery. You will also need to limit your responsibilities at home. Heavy lifting and pushing or pulling is off limits for at least four to six weeks. You will want help with grocery shopping, laundry, dog walking, and childcare. Your usual exercise regimen will need to wait, and when you return to exercising, you will need to start out easy. Walking is the first activity for you to embrace, with increases in other activities as allowed. We will guide you as to what you can do.
You will not see the final results of your surgery for three to six months. Extra fluid can remain in healing tissues, making them plumper than they will be once you are completely healed. You might also notice that one side of your body looks different than the other because they may be healing at a different rate.
A tummy tuck is permanent. Of course, no one can stop how your body will change as you age, but the tummy tuck changes can help you age better and maintain a more youthful appearance.
If you have reached the point where diet and exercise are no longer making further improvements to your figure, it is time to consider what plastic surgery can do. It can give you that final boost to reach your goals. Once your body is in the shape you want, you will notice improved self-confidence as you show off the new you. Contact our team today to discuss a tummy tuck in Redmond.
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