
How Does a Body Lift Work?

A Bellevue lower body lift entails shaping the lower body (tummy and lateral thighs) by surgically removing the excessive redundant skin and lifting the remaining tissue to allow for a more natural and flattering body contour. Often times the surgery requires a combination of liposuction to help contour stubborn areas and help achieve your desired shape. The surgical scars are designed to be inconspicuous and placed to be easily hidden in everyday clothes.

A lower body lift starts with a belt-like excision above the outer thighs and buttocks, and the skin/fat/muscle attachments are released along the lateral thighs. Next, liposuction is supplemented to help with reshaping the thighs, buttocks, hips, tummy, and lower back, targeting problem areas commonly referred to as “love handles,” “muffin tops,” and “saddle bags.” Next, using sutures in multiple layers, the skin and subcutaneous fat is carefully brought together and secured to the underlying fascia to ensure adequate anchoring. Surgical drains are placed to help eliminate any fluid collection from forming. You are then placed into a compressive body garment to ensure proper healing.

After Your Body Lift Procedure

You are still our patient after you leave, and we will be there for you as you recover to answer any questions you may have and advise you on any side effects you may be feeling. Body lifts are generally performed as outpatient procedures in Bellevie, but some patients may require an overnight stay before returning home. You can expect to feel tired and sore after the surgery, and you will experience some swelling and discomfort in the treated area, both of which can be managed with medication.

You will wear a compressive garment for 6 weeks following surgery and will be able to shower normally after the drains are removed, usually 5-7 days.

While some movement is permissible, and walking is highly encouraged to promote blood flow, most patients will want to avoid strenuous exercise for at least 6 weeks. Dr. Min will advise you on the specifics of your recovery program.

Most patients return to work in 1-2 weeks, but you should still avoid strenuous activity or heavy lifting for at least 6 weeks and avoid high-impact activities (skiing, wakeboarding, contact sports) for the duration of your recovery (6-8 weeks). Your stitches will dissolve and be absorbed by your body, so you will not have to worry about getting them removed.

Your Body Lift Options

The placement of the incision patterns for each body lift procedure in Bellevue will vary depending on the size, location, and desired results you have for each area and for your overall appearance. As with all surgical procedures, you can expect surgical scarring, but Dr. Min will employ his artistic skill and talent to minimize and hide the scars with everyday clothing.

Your Initial Body Lift Consultation

The role of the consultation is to ensure that you are well informed, educated, and comfortable in your decision to undergo the procedure. Lower body lifts require an incredible amount of time and resources to recover, and we have you go through a lengthy screening process in Bellevue.

During your initial consultation, Dr. Min will ask you about your desired goals as well as questions about your general health and activity levels to determine if he can meet your expectations. Be prepared to discuss any details about your lifestyle and any recent weight loss you have experienced. He will walk you through your options, explain the details of the body lift procedure, and answer any questions you may have. You will also have an opportunity to view extensive before and after photos.

Dr. Min will assess factors such as the quality of the skin, the amount of underlying fatty tissue, the amount of excess skin, the elasticity of the skin, and your overall figure. He will share and explain his opinions with you about what is most appropriate for your body and what results you can expect. Together you will decide on the details and timing of your procedure.

Finally, Dr. Min will make sure you know exactly what will happen on the day of your procedure, what you will experience while you recover, and what you can expect in the months and years to follow.