Everyone wants the kind of tight, toned arms that look great in short sleeve shirts, but aging, genetic, and weight fluctuations can cause the arms to develop drooping skin and pockets of fat that dieting and weight loss alone can’t get rid of. As we age, our skin loses elasticity, and once stretched out, it does not recoil back into its former shape, resulting in sagging that makes many patients self-conscious.
During your initial consultation for an arm lift in Bellevue, Dr. Min will ask you about your desired appearance, as well as any wardrobe preferences that may help determine the location of your incisions.
He will also ask you questions about your general health and activity levels to determine if he can meet your expectations. He will walk you through your options, explain the details of the Brachioplasty procedure, and answer any questions you may have. You will have an opportunity to review before and after photos.
Dr. Min will assess factors such as the quality of the skin, the amount of underlying fatty tissue, the amount of excess skin, the elasticity of the skin, and the contour of your arms. He will share and explain his recommendations with you about what is most appropriate for your body and what results you can expect. Together you will decide on the details and timing of your body sculpting procedure.
He will also ask you questions about your general health and activity levels to determine if he can meet your expectations. He will walk you through your options, explain the details of the Brachioplasty procedure, and answer any questions you may have. You will have an opportunity to review before and after photos.
Dr. Min will assess factors such as the quality of the skin, the amount of underlying fatty tissue, the amount of excess skin, the elasticity of the skin, and the contour of your arms. He will share and explain his recommendations with you about what is most appropriate for your body and what results you can expect. Together you will decide on the details and timing of your body sculpting procedure.
The types of incisions will depend on your health, body shape, and the extent of your procedure. Some scarring is inevitable, but the procedures have advanced significantly in recent years, and much can be done to minimize visible scars. The most common locations for arm lift incisions in Bellevue are:
Arm lifts are a very common and safe procedure in Bellevue. Nonetheless, we feel it is important that all of our patients fully understand the risk(s) associated with this or any surgical procedure. The most important thing to know is that Dr. Min and Newvue will stand by you should any complications arise and do everything we can to help you achieve your desired result. Risks associated with arm lifts include: reaction to anesthesia, infection, bleeding & seroma, and loss of sensation. During your consultation, Dr. Min will discuss these risks with you and address all of your concerns.
Prior to your arm lift surgery in Bellevue, we will schedule a preoperative appointment with Dr. Min. The purpose of this meeting is to make sure that your procedure goes smoothly and efficiently. Our staff will review the risks and benefits of the procedure, as well as your consent forms, and answer any questions you might have. You may be given prescriptions to be filled prior to your surgery. You will be given a list of medications and supplements to avoid for two weeks before and after surgery. If you are a smoker, you will be advised to stop smoking at least two weeks prior to surgery. You should not smoke for at least two weeks following surgery.
We will do everything in our power to help you feel informed and relaxed on the day of your arm lift procedure. After you arrive at our Bellevue office, you will meet with Dr. Min and with your anesthesiologist. Once any questions you have are answered, you will be given medication to help you relax.
You will wake up in the recovery room, where you will be closely monitored. We will let you know how everything went and advise you on what to expect as you recover. You want to be sure to arrange for someone to pick you up and stay with you for the first couple of days as you adjust.
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